To save money, don’t spend it; sounds logical, doesn’t it? Although in many situations, this is true in the realization of audiovisual and graphic content, it does not apply; if you do not invest the necessary money to achieve the quality you want, your products will not generate much attention and will sink in the sea of digital content; even if they are short and rigorous, your content deserves the best treatment of production and realization, after all, who likes to see a video made halfway?
Think about the advertising that catches your attention and you will notice that none of those pieces have holes in their presentation. That’s why it’s important that when making an investment in creative pieces, you invest the necessary amount of money to achieve the highest quality product possible.
According to HuriBroadcast, by having a corporate video, you will be 50% more likely to appear among the first ten positions in the industry or at least in keyword searches. Highlight your company over the competition and the money will be easily repaid, achieving that in the long run, your pieces will pay for themselves with the immense attention they will generate.
Surely people will not have an explanation of why they like a piece or not, and it is important that the first impression you can give to your customers is worth it. In audiovisual and graphic quality, there are no shortcuts; if you don’t invest the necessary amount, you will have to redo other pieces to recover the original investment, and you will be paying double (or more) for having retained your money in the first place.
It has been proven that a content with storytelling generates 80% more recall in people as opposed to just an explanation of the product or service data. With creative content, you have the possibility to connect with your target audience profiles and explain in a short and effective way why your company is going to be their hero to solve their problems.
If you’ve ever done any content on your own, you’ll have noticed that it can get difficult and tedious quickly. Don’t think that the money invested is lost in this process; much of this budget is distributed and reinvested (depending on the project) in photography equipment; location rental; casting, hiring actors and voice talent; set design, wardrobe and makeup; scripting; post-production; graphics; audio recording, editing and mixing; among others. All these pillars are fundamental; if one of them falls short of the budget, or if you simply do not pay enough attention to it from the beginning, the piece will not look or transmit professionalism and will give the impression of being halfway to perfection. It goes without saying that when you let the creatives do their job, you can concentrate on growing your business in other areas and be confident that your content will be successful.
How do you know how much money is necessary?
Before knowing how much money you should invest, analyze how much you are willing to give. Always think that there is a cause-effect relationship:
More money = More quality
If you don’t know what kind of content you want to make, take a consultancy to consider which products would help your company the most and which is the media that is closer to your customers.
Quality is better than quantity! If you don’t have much budget, consider smaller pieces; it is better to have small pieces with very good quality than a more ambitious piece with less budget because the latter will feel “cheap”, as if it lacked something to be outstanding.
Sometimes you have to shoot for the stars to reach the moon
Remember that no money invested in a company image is money wasted. Your company works very well, but if you do not have an excellent presentation in front of your audience, you will not be able to convince them to buy your products or services. As long as you create the best audiovisual and graphic pieces, you will notice the increase of clients and a greater loyalty of them, and all this, at the right price.